Evaporation Model Development for 2D and 3D Evaporators

Develop precise evaporation model with environmental conditions using energy balance model.

I have developed evaporation rate model for environmental conditions including temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation based on energy balance at water-air interface for both 2D and 3D scenarios.

Schemetic diagram about energy model development at the water-air interface.
Comparasion between evaporation rate measured by experiment and evaporation rate calculated using energy model.
Yearly evaporation rate.

We also developed evaporation model based on 3D evaporator.

Please read more in our work (Zheng et al., 2022).



  1. ES&T
    Upscaling 3D engineered trees for off-grid desalination
    Sunxiang Zheng, Meiqi Yang, Xi Chen , and 3 more authors
    Environmental Science & Technology, 2022